EMDB > Tous les films > W > Winter le dauphin
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Winter le dauphin (2011)  link to Winter le dauphin on IMDb  link to trailer on IMDb

Numéro: 179

poster Winter le dauphin

Note IMDb:
star star star star star star star star star star
6.9/10 (14128 votes)

Autre titre: Dolphin Tale

Pays: USA, 113 minutes

Langues: Anglais

Genre(s): Drame, Familial

Réalisateur(s): Charles Martin Smith

A lonely and friendless boy finds and untangles a hurt dolphin that is caught in a crab trap. He becomes very attached to the dolphin when the tail must be taken off to save the dolphin's life. The boy believes the dolphin would be able to swim normally if it was given a prosthetic tail.


photo Harry Connick Jr. Harry Connick Jr. Dr. Clay Haskett
photo Ashley Judd Ashley Judd Lorraine Nelson
photo Nathan Gamble Nathan Gamble Sawyer Nelson
photo Kris Kristofferson Kris Kristofferson Reed Haskett
photo Cozi Zuehlsdorff Cozi Zuehlsdorff Hazel Haskett

Support: Inconnu,

Prêté: Non

Format d'image: 1.85:1